On Friday, Chelsea came down with fever and a headache and stayed home from school. I didn't think much of it. She was playing and acting fine. Saturday morning at 3 am, she started throwing up. The timing was horrible....we were scheduled to complete filming for HHI all day Saturday and Sunday. So, bless her heart, we settled her in her bed, gave her a bucket, and did the best we could to check on her and complete the shoot. Parents of the Year right here!
I was sure she would be fine Sunday morning, but she was very lethargic, still feverish and feeling awful. Once again, we settled her in and went about doing what we had to do. By Sunday night, she was looking pretty bad. She hadn't eaten since Friday morning and hadn't had much to drink. I started googling dehydration and was pretty sure she was dehydrated. Larry assured me she would live until morning, so we put her in our bed and planned to call the doctor as soon as the office opened on Monday.
Rozsakert Medical Center is a great clinic just a few minutes from our home. They are English speaking and many of their doctors are American trained. It is definitely a different feel than our former pediatricians office, but in a good way. In Pearland, we loved our pediatrician, but would frequently wait an hour to be seen. Here, we waited about 15 minutes and then were called in by the Doctor herself. At that point, she kindly informed the only other family waiting that she was running a few minutes behind. We have never seen that before!
After her assessment, and some discussion in Hungarian with the nurse, she determined that Chelsea was somewhat dehydrated and needed to drink a fair amount before we could leave. They took us to a little room and gave Chelsea some water and cookies, but she still wouldn't eat or drink. At that point, the Dr. recommended an IV. Fabulous. We were grateful that they could do the IV there and we didn't have to visit a Hungarian hospital. Chelsea was horrified, of course, and it was quite the ordeal. We ended up being there for 6 hours (with Cade, too!) and she had to have a liter of fluids via IV before we could leave.
We were very pleased with her care. The doctor checked on her every half hour or so while we were there and gave me her cell number to call this morning. I had to report how much fluid she consumed this morning, and if she didn't drink enough, we were going to have to go back for another IV! That was a good enough threat for Chelsea and she consumed her required amount before I called the doctor. She has perked up a lot and I think we are over the hump. For our first visit, that was quite the experience. Hopefully any future visits will be much less traumatic!