Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Big Break

What a week. Larry left for Argentina on Sunday. I was optimistic about the week is Spring and the sun is shining. I had a few fun events to look forward to. I don't like when Larry travels that far away, but we would be fine. 

My sweet friend Kim invited us over on Tuesday. We let the kids play on the playground after school, and then we planned go to their house and stay for dinner. The kids were playing and we were chatting. I honestly was watching Logan more than I was watching Chelsea, but Kim winced as she saw Chelsea fall. Chelsea came over to me crying that she hurt her arm. She wasn't hysterical or anything, so she sat by me for a few minutes, and I thought her arm would be okay. After a while, it was still hurting. She was holding it and I was a little concerned, so we found a school nurse. She gave her some ice, and we all left and went to Kim's house. 

By that time, it was about an hour after the fall. Chelsea still wasn't using her arm, so I decided to call the our pediatrician.  She asked me to bring her in right away. So, we left Cade with Kim and headed to the doctor. Thankfully, our doctor's office has x-ray equipment. Our sweet pediatrician was supposed to be off work, but she waited for us. The x-ray confirmed my suspicions - broken in 2 places!!

Reviewing the x-ray

Dr. Kinga was able to cast it right there, which was a huge relief to me. I did not want to visit a Hungarian hospital, especially by myself!! Chelsea was a trooper and I feel like I earned a mommy badge for "broken arm in a foreign country while hubby is away."  I am so thankful for many friends that I could have called on in those hours.

We visit the orthopedist today, where she may get a different cast. She is bummed that they don't have colored casts here like they do in the US.  They also don't have slings, and the cast goes over her elbow. So, the doctor fashioned us one out of some fabric. Yesterday, we also used a scarf which worked pretty well. 

Cade has been so sweet throughout the ordeal. The first night, he told her, "Sis, I'm sorry I can't fix it , but I'm just a little boy." He has repeatedly asked her if she is gonna be okay, then he switched to reassuring her that she would be okay and God would fix her arm. So sweet. 

Needless to say, we will be glad to see Larry this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!! Praying for a quick healing! And yes you get a mommy badge for sure. :).
