Saturday, July 30, 2011

16 again

This is probably the most exciting weekend we have ever had in Budapest. We are taking Hungarian Driver's Ed. It doesn't get any more exciting than that!!  As we understand it, in the past the law stated that you had to get your license after a year of being here. No one really cared though, and the few people who tried to take the test failed it. We have been told that most Hungarians don't even pass the test. Recently, the law changed and states that you must have your license after 6 months. It is enforced more, and we know someone who had their car papers revoked because she didn't have her Hungarian license. Other people have gotten pulled over many times and never had a problem. You just never know.

I was all for let's just wait and see what happens, but I lost the battle. So, this weekend we are hosting driver's ed at our house.  It is more fun since there were several of us doing it together, but today it still felt like we were 16 all over again! At one point, we had to go through 100 slides and state who had the right of way and in what order amongst 3 vehicles. My brain shut down at about number 55. The actual exam is oral with a translator since we do not speak Hungarian. Tomorrow, the exam translator will be here.  The teacher said that we can discuss "how to communicate with him". We are hoping that means what we think it means!

So what is the process for getting a license?
1. Submit your US drivers license and college diploma to be translated.
2. Wait to get permission to take the class.
3. Take driver's ed
4. Take the written test, except it is oral with a translator since we don't speak Hungarian. There are about 55 questions.
5. Take a driving test, no matter that we have been here for almost a year and haven't had a wreck! Shouldn't that count for something?
6. Along the way, pay a lot of fees to a lot of people.
7. Get a medical exam.
8. If you pass, surrender your US license. They say that they mail it back to TX or wherever it was issued, and you will get it back when you return. I'm not thinking that will happen.

We will be eligible to take our written (oral) test in a few weeks....we'll let you know if we pass!

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