Monday, July 25, 2011

Back to Reality

A week ago today we left Houston and came back to Budapest.  Houston was a great - so much to do and so many people to see. It was like a month long party!  We loved staying with my parents and I am so thankful to have parents that enjoy having us there for so long and that we enjoy being with for so long. But, the party is over and we had to get back to reality.  The travel itself is always challenging, but we are getting used to it. On the flights, Chelsea is excellent and entertains herself well. Cade falls somewhere between excellent and get me off this plane now.

We came home to a refrigerator full of fresh berries, cut watermelon, fruit parfaits, and a yummy chicken dinner. We have the best housekeeper and she was so sweet to have all of that ready for us.  While we were gone, she also cleaned out all the drawers, cleaned out and reorganized the garage, organized all of Larry's ties by color, washed the couch cushions...did I mention we love her?!! I spent the first few days back unpacking and putting everything away.  I think we set a new record - all suitcases were put away in the first 2 days back - that has never happened before!! The kids were so happy to play with all their old toys and Cade's new birthday loot. Lots of trucks around here now!

Before we left Budapest, I was used to all the "systems" and had a routine. Funny how quickly you forget...and how quickly the culture shock comes crashing back down when you return.  Today, I finally went to the grocery store for the first time since being back.  On the way out this morning, I remembered why going to the store is such a pain....first, I had no change. You have to have the right coin in order to get a shopping cart. Second, you have to remember to take your own bags, or pay for them at the store. Third, the shopping carts have no seat belts for little people, therefore Cade constantly tries to climb out. There are no fun car baskets here!  Fourth, the baskets are all wheel drive, so they go all sorts of directions and are challenging to maneuver, especially with a kid halfway out.  Lastly, you have to bag your own groceries. So, Cade is climbing out, I am trying to put put groceries in bags without losing a kid, I don't have enough bags, I'm holding up the line, my cart is get the idea. Fun times!

The housekeeper and the grocery store...these are the opposites that embody our life here. The ease and fabulousness of having great household help, and the frustration of how challenging simple tasks can be.  Just like anywhere, there is the good and the bad.   Our goal is to enjoy the good and learn to be content with the frustrations that come up along the way.

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