Last Sunday, Larry left for a long business trip to Asia. Dislike.
To make matters worse, I (thankfully) never get sick, but I came down with some kind of flu like virus on Sunday. Horrible timing. On Tuesday, I was still pretty sick and I got a call from school to come pick up Chelsea due to fever. On Wednesday, I got another phone call, this time to pick up Cade.
Can you say miserable week? Thankfully, they didn't get it too bad and Logan never got super sick. Larry felt maybe a little sorry for us, but mostly he was glad to avoid the germ house. The kids were all home for the remainder of the week, so we begin going a little stir crazy. On top of that, we had a random late winter snow storm on Thursday night/ Friday. Spring, we need you!!!
By Saturday, I knew we had to get out of this house. Only one child had a mild fever, so I decided that was good enough and off we went to the Tropicarium. Last time we visited, Cade wasn't much older than Logan is now. Weird. Cade really enjoyed it this time, especially the sharks.
They are this big!
Always stuck with the view from the stroller.
It was a great day out and, thankfully, I think everyone is well now.
We are ready for Larry to come home!!!