Thursday, October 13, 2011

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Fall means it is time for the annual pumpkin patch pictures. We heard about about a Pumpkin Festival in a the town of Zebegeny with a pumpkin patch, rides, and more! Fun!  

To get there, we took our first Hungarian train ride outside of Budapest.  Getting on the train was an experience in itself. We arrived at the station close to departure time. We felt like we were on the Amazing Race as we tried to find the ticket counter.  We found it, waited in line, and Larry used his Hungarian to get us a csaladi jegy, or family ticket. Strangely enough, if you get a family ticket, the kids are free and the adult tickets are discounted. How that works out, I'm not sure!  

From the ticket counter, we hurried to find the train with only a few minutes to spare. We arrived at the platform and began looking in the train cars for seats - every car was packed! I was shocked! At this point, we were running down the platform with both kids, trying to make our way to a car with some empty seats. We ended up at the end of the train, and we still didn't find 4 seats. Crazy! We sat, took a deep breath, and took a pleasant one hour journey to Zebegeny. There, the pumpkin hunt began.  

 We have been here a year. After last year's Halloween experience, we should know that festivals here are a little different than in the US. After fruitlessly hunting for the great fields of pumpkins that I had conjured up in my head, we decided the "patch" was a little row of pumpkins. Oh well.
The kids still posed with pumpkins, so mission was semi accomplished. 

 This was the best awesome is her hat??

 The only ride we found was the great Hungarian swing. You put your kid in a basket and someone stands in the middle and turns a wheel to make it go. Quite fun!  It would never fly in the States, because some kid would stand up and fall out and sue someone.

 New experiences, new memories, something new to laugh about....all in all, a successful adventure.