Saturday, April 7, 2012

Just the Boys

Two weeks ago, Larry and Chelsea went back to Budapest. We have missed them so much and can't wait for them to be back in Houston tomorrow! They enjoyed their time together and Chelsea enjoyed going back to school for 2 weeks. Meanwhile, I had boy time in Houston.

 Cade has missed his sister, but he has taken more interest in Logan since Chelsea has been gone. If Logan cries, Cade is quick to proclaim that he needs his paci and runs to find it and give it to him. At bedtime, he says, "Night night, little brodder. Sleep good." So sweet. 

"One day, you'll be big and I will teach you how to use a pen to decorate your face." 

Cade has also began requesting to be the baby...he likes to be wrapped up and laid on the playmat. 

 We have tried to have some mental stimulation as well....I got this off of Pinterest and he loves it!

Love my boys, but can't wait to see my girl and my man tomorrow!!

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