Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Trading Spaces

Being in Texas for so long gave us the opportunity to spend several days with my sister and her family in Austin. My kids love their cousins, and they play so well together. This past week, the Austin crew travelled to Budapest and spent the week with us! We had a great time showing them a glimpse of our world here. The girls would have been content playing Barbies all week, but we drug them out for some sightseeing as well. 

April in Austin....

And May in Budapest....


  1. Great pic of all of you at the bottom! So cute!

  2. beautiful family shot! I just looked at the Prague post and spat out my coffee... pregnant Barbie? Oh my goodness, I have seen it all. I recovered briefly and then lost it again when I saw that special fountain. Heeelarious.

  3. Meryl - Lol. Yes, Prague was full of special discoveries for us. You got beautiful city pics, we got pics of peeing statues and pregnant Barbies.
