Thursday, May 19, 2011

Autographs on Request

Many of you have asked and we promised we would tell you when we knew...

We haven't seen it yet...

But we're (sort-of) excited to announce our television premiere. Of course, it could be preempted by the end of the world, but we're pretty confident that that won't happen this Saturday.

We're very interested to see how naive we were (and still are) about what to expect. We also suspect we'll find that our "oversized ideals" have changed from when we filmed. Perhaps we'll have a blog post about that after the show airs...

Needless to say, we're happy here and are thankful that this is where God has us for this season of our lives. We still miss our friends and families in the USA. Thankfully, we have met some great friends here and some of our family has already visited or has plans to visit soon.

We hope that this episode will be something special for us. We hope that, in the future, it will help us look back on our time in Budapest with fond memories. We hope that it will give each of you yet another glimpse into our life here in Hungary.

Viszontlátásra (See you soon) from the television...

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