Monday, September 30, 2013

International Day 2013

Yikes! Here we are at the end of September. As usual, I have several blog posts to catch up on. We will start here. 
The big kids celebrated International Day at AISB again this year. It is hard to believe this is our 4th International Day! My feelings and observations remained the same as last year. Notice Chelsea's dress and boots remained the same as well. We have certainly gotten our use out of this dress! International day is always a fun day and I always love to see my kids march in behind the American flag. 

Side note - Chelsea has just started letting me do her hair on a more regular basis. She was so happy when I did these side braids, even though they were a bit crooked. After I was finished, she said, "Mommy, you are the best hair-doer. When daddy retires, you should open a store for hair doing." 

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