Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hooray for Pre-K!

Today was an exciting day! We had orientation at Chelsea's new school. To get to orientation, I had to drive. I am getting braver and have driven a couple of times this week. I would not be able to go anywhere without our GPS. I am so thankful we got it before we left the States - I highly recommend that to any future expats. Anyway, we started out and I wanted to go the only way I know how to go. The GPS wanted me to go a different way. I ignored it for a bit, but then decided I would try that way. After a couple of turns, I ended up going the wrong way down a one way street! Not good! I quickly turned around, found the road I was familiar with, and made the GPS reroute to take me that way. After that, we made it just fine.

These pictures didn't turn out the greatest, but will give you an idea. She is excited to start Pre-K at the American International School of Budapest.

She will start school on November 2nd. it will be a big change for all of us - her school is Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 3:30! I am sad for my little girl to be starting school full time, but I know she is ready and will love it. Her class has 10 students and 2 teachers. It will be great!
This is the schedule for her class. They even have a cooking class each week! So fun! Her school has an indoor pool and right now her PE class is doing their swim unit. Thankfully, we brought her a bathing suit. We have to find a swim cap before she starts. She is also required to have indoor shoes and outdoor shoes. Everyday they change into indoor shoes when they arrive at school. We may be shoe shopping next week!

Chelsea got to play while I talked with her teacher. She loves the home center.

Pictures of her classroom

A view of the outside - her school is up in the hills.
Everything is gorgeous right now with the fall leaves!

I will enjoy my time with her these next two weeks and look forward to all she will learn this year at school.
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  1. I forgot about the indoor shoes and outdoor shoes. This helps reduce dirt and germs. At our school most of the kids wore Crocs or some other type slip on shoe, even house shoes. You can ask the teacher what is acceptable. I have seen Crocs at Mammut near the bridge that connects the two buildings. They are pricey though. Glad to see you are getting out and about.

  2. A pair of house slippers. you are going to have to make a list of what you need when you get back here. I know everything is way cheaper here. It was nice to see the mall, school.Chelsea will be tired every day but she is so ready. She will get to bed early every night.This will give you time also to get things done when you get to move into the house. We miss you love ya
